
Summary and Review

"A new frontier in laboratory physics: magnetized electron–positron plasmas,” J. Plasma Physics 86, 155860601 (2020)

M. R. Stoneking, T. Sunn Pedersen, P. Helander, H. Chen, U. Hergenhahn, E. V. Stenson, G. Fikse, J. von der Linden, H. Saitoh C. M. Surko, J. R. Danielson, C. Hugenschmidt, J. Horn-Stanja, A. Mishchenko, D. Kennedy, A. Deller, A. Card, S. Nißl, M. Singer, M. Singer, S. Konig, L. Willingale, J. Peebles, M. R. Edwards, K. Chin

"Plasmas and Trap-Based Beams as Drivers for New Science with Antimatter” (aka “Gaseous Electronics with Antimatter”)", Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 9, 2020.

"Plasma and trap-based techniques for science with antimatter," Physics of Plasmas 27, 030601 (2020)

J. Fajans and C. M. Surko Comprehensive Review

"Traps and Trap-Based Beams — New Tools for Positron Science,” tutorial lecture at the positron school, International Conference on Positron Annihilation, Orlando FL, August 19, 2018.

Comprehensive Review

"Plasma and trap-based techniques for science with positrons" Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 247 (2015).

J. R. Danielson, D. H. E. Dubin, R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko Comprehensive Review

"Accumulation, storage and manipulation of large numbers of positrons in traps I – the basics, Chapter 4 in Physics with Trapped Charged Particles" (Imperial College Press, 2014), pp. 83 – 128.

C. M. Surko

"Accumulation, storage and manipulation of large numbers of positrons in traps II – selected topics, Chapter 5 in Physics with Trapped Charged Particles" M. Knoop, Niels Madsen, R. C. Thompson, eds. (Imperial College Press, 2014), pp. 129 – 172.

C. M. Surko, J. R. Danielson, and T. R. Weber

"Antimatter Plasmas" Maxwell Prize talk, APS DPP meeting, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 30, 2014.

C. M. Surko

"Anti-Atoms Gotcha!" Nature Physics, Vol. 7, Jul. 2011, pg 521.

C. M. Surko

"Positron-molecule Interactions: Resonant Attachment, Annihilation, and Bound States"Reviews of Modern Physics, Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 2577 - 2607 (2010).

G. F. Gribakin, J. A. Young, and C. M. Surko Comprehensive Review

"New Plasma Tools for Antimatter Science" Workshop on Cold Antimatter Plasmas and Application to Fundamental Physics, Y. Kanai and Y. Yamazaki, Eds., AIP Conf. Proc. No. 1037 (AIP, New York, 2008), pp. 84-95.

J. R. Danielson, T. R. Weber, and C. M. Surko

"A whiff of antimatter soup" News and Views Nature 449 Sept. 2007, 153-154

C. M. Surko

"Positron atomic physics – A look to the future" NIM B 247 (2006) 1-4

C. M. Surko

"The buffer-gas positron accumulator and resonances in positron-molecule interactions" (Written in conjunction with the symposium honoring the retirement of D. Drachman and A. Temkin)NASA Conference Publication Service , A. Bhatia, ed. (NASA Goddard SFC, Greenbelt, MD, 2006).

C. M. Surko

"Low - energy positron interactions with atoms and molecules" Journal of Physics B 38 (2005) R57-R126

C. M. Surko, G. F. Gribakin and S. J. Buckman Comprehensive Review

Popular article about positron annihilation with matter "When antimatter attacks," New Scientist April 24, 2004 p 34

E.S. Reich

"Experimental studies of the interaction of low energy positrons with atoms and molecules" NIM B 221 (2004), 84-92

J.P. Marler, L.D.Barnes, S.J. Gilbert, J.P. Sullivan, J.A. Young and C.M. Surko

"Emerging science and technology of antimatter plasmas and trap-based beams"Physics of Plasmas 11 (2004) 2333-2348

C.M. Surko and R.G.Greaves Comprehensive Review

"Low energy positron scattering and annihilation studies using a high-resolution trap-based beam"NIM B 192 (2002), 3-16.

J.P. Sullivan, S.J. Gilbert, J.P. Marler, L.D.Barnes, S.J. Buckman and C.M. Surko

"Atomic and Molecular Physics Using Positron Traps and Trap-Based Beams"New Directions in Antimatter Chemistry and Physics C. M. Surko and F. A. Gianturco, eds. (Kluwer Scientific Publishers, The Netherlands, 2001), pp. 345 - 366.

C. M. Surko

"Atomic and Molecular Physics Using Positron Accumluation Techniques --Summary and a Look to the Future" NIM B171(2000), pp. 2-16.

C. M. Surko, R.G. Greaves, K. Iwata and S.J. Gilbert

"Technological Applications of Trapped Positrons" Non-neutral Plasmas III J. Bollinger, R. Spencer and R. Davidson Eds., AIP Conf. Proc. No. 498,(AIP, New York, 1999), pp. 19-28.

R.G. Greaves and C.M. Surko

"Progress in Creating Low-Energy Positron Plasma and Beams"
Proc. of Conf. on Nonneutral Plasmas J. Bollinger, R. Spencer and R. Davidson Eds., AIP Conf. Proc. No. 498,(AIP, New York, 1999), pp. 3

C. M. Surko, S. J. Gilbert, and R. G. Greaves

"Antimatter plasmas and antihydrogen" Physics of Plasma 4 (1997), pp. 1528-43.

R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

"Atomic and Molecular Physics using Positrons in a Penning Trap" Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions F.Ayumayr and H.P. Winters, eds. (World Scientifc, 1997), pp. 383-392.

C. M. Surko, K.Iwata, C.Kurz and S.J. Gilbert

Positrons Annihilation

"Positron binding to alkane molecules," Physical Review A 108, 032801 (2023).

J. R. Danielson , S. Ghosh , E. Arthur-Baidoo , D. R. Witteman, and C. M. Surko New

"Enhancement of positron binding energy in molecules containing π bonds," Phys. Rev. A 106, 132811 (2022).

J. R. Danielson, S. Ghosh and C. M. Surko New

"Resonant Annihilation and Positron Bound States in Benzene," Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 123401 (2022)

J R Danielson, S Ghosh, and C M Surko New

"Influence of geometry on positron binding to molecules," J. Phys. B 54, 22520 (2021)

J R Danielson, S Ghosh, and C M Surko

"Enhanced resonant positron annihilation due to nonfundamental modes in molecules," Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 173401 (2020).

S. Ghosh, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Mode Coupling and Multiquantum Vibrational Excitations in Feshbach-resonant Positron Annihilation in Molecules," Phys. Rev. A, 96, 062709 (2017).

G. F. Gribakin, J. F. Stanton, J. R. Danielson, M. R. Natisin, and C. M. Surko A PRA Editors Choice, 2017

"Vibrational Feshbach Resonances Mediated by Nondipole Positron-Molecule Interactions," Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 113402 (2017).

M. R. Natisin, J. R. Danielson, G. F. Gribakin, A. R. Swann, and C. M. Surko.

"Modeling Enhancement and Suppression of Vibrational Feshbach Resonances in Positron Annihilation on Molecules" Phys. Rev., A88, 062702 (2013).

J. R. Danielson, A. C. L. Jones, M. R. Natisin, and C. M. Surko

"Role of Vibrational Dynamics in Resonant Positron Annihilation on Molecules" Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 223201 (2013).

A. C. L. Jones, J. R. Danielson, M. R. Natisin, and C. M. Surko*

"Comparisons of Positron and Electron Binding to Molecules" Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 11301 (2012).

A. C. L. Jones, J. R. Danielson, J. J. Gosselin, M. R. Natisin and C. M. Surko

"Positron binding to alcohol molecules" New J. Phys., 14 015006 (2012).

J. R. Danielson, A. C. L. Jones, M. R. Natisin, and C. M. Surko

"Effects of quantum chemistry models for bound electrons on positron annihilation spectra for atoms and small molecules" New J. Phys., 14, 085022 (2012).

F. Wang, X. Ma, L. Selvam, G. F. Gribakin, and C. M Surko

"Measuring positron-atom binding energies through laser-assisted photo-recombination" New J. Phys., 14, 065004 (2012).

C. M. Surko, J. R. Danielson, G. F. Gribakin, and R. E. Continetti

"Chemical structural effects on x-ray spectra of positron annihilation in fluorobenzenes" European. J. Phys. D, 66, 107 (2012).

F. Wang, X.G. Ma, L. Selvam, G.F. Gribakin, and C.M. Surko

"Effect of positron-atom interactions on the annihilation gamma spectra of molecules" New J. Phys. 14, 035021 (2012).

D G Green, S Saha, F Wang, G F Gribakin and C M Surko

"Ubiquitous Nature of Multimode Vibrational Resonances in Positron-Molecule Annihilation" Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 093201 (2012).

A. C. L. Jones, J. R. Danielson, M. R. Natisin, C. M. Surko, and G. F. Gribakin

"Interplay between permanent dipole moments and polarizability in positron-molecule binding" Phys. Rev. A 85, 022709 (2012).

J. R. Danielson, A. C. L. Jones, J. J. Gosselin, M. R. Natisin, and C. M. Surko

"Positron-molecule Interactions: Resonant Attachment, Annihilation, and Bound States" , Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 2577 - 2607 (2010).

G. F. Gribakin, J. A. Young, and C. M. Surko Comprehensive Review

Electron Shell Contributions to Gamma-ray Spectra of Positron Annihilation in Noble gases" J. Phys. B.: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 43, 165207 (2010).

Feng Wang, Lalitha Selvam, and C. M. Surko, Gleb F Gribakin, and C. M. Surko

"Dipole Enhancement of Positron Binding to Molecules" Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 233201 (2010).

J. R. Danielson, J. J. Gosselin, and C. M. Surko

"Dependance of positron-molecule binding energies on molecular properties" J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 235203 (2009)

J. R. Danielson, J. A. Young, and C. M. Surko

"Analysis of experimental positron-molecule binding energies" J. Phys. Conf. Series , 199, 012012 (2010)

J. R. Danielson, J. A. Young, and C. M. Surko

"Positron attachment to molecules" Phys. Status Solidi C 6, 2265 (2009)

J. A. Young, and C. M. Surko

Resonant Positron Annihilation on Molecules"Materials Science Forum 607, 9 (2009)"

J. A. Young and C. M. Surko

"Role of combination vibrations in resonant positron annihilation" Phys. Rev. A 77, 060702(R) (2008)

"Vibrational Feshbach resonance mediated positron annihilation in small molecules" Phys. Rev. A 78, 032702 (2008)

J. A. Young, G. F. Gribakin, C. M. R. Lee, and C. M. Surko

"Feshbach-resonance-mediated annihilation in positron interactions with large molecules" Phys. Rev. A 77, 052704 (2008)

J. A. Young and C. M. Surko

"Dependence of Resonant Positron-molecule Annihilation on Molecular Temperature" Nuc. Inst. and Meth. B 266, 478 (2008)

J. A. Young and C. M. Surko

Energy resolved annihilation studies: Vibrational Feshbach resonance and positron-molecule bound states, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2007 (unpublished).

J. A. Young

"Role of binding energy in Feshbach-resonant positron-molecule annihilation"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007), 133201

J. A. Young and C. M. Surko

"Energy-resolved positron annihilation rates for molecules" Phys. Rev A 74 (2006), 012706

L. D. Barnes, J. A. Young and C. M. Surko

Positron annihilation on atoms and molecules, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2005 (unpublished).

L. D. Barnes

"Positron Scattering and Annihilation Studies Using a Trap-Based Beam" Physica Scripta T110 (2004),280-285

L. D. Barnes, J. P. Marler, J. P. Sullivan and C. M. Surko

"Scattering and Annihilation Experiments Using a Trap-Based Beam" Materials Science Forum 445 (2004),435

J. P. Sullivan, L. D. Barnes, J. P. Marler, S. J. Gilbert and C. M. Surko

"Energy-resolved positron annihilation for molecules" Phys. Rev A 67 (2003),032706

L. D. Barnes, S. J. Gilbert and C. M. Surko

"Vibrational-Resonance Enhancement of Positron Annihilation in Molecules" Phys. Rev. Lett., 88 (2002),

S.J.Gilbert, L.D.Barnes, J.P. Sullivan and C. M. Surko

"Positron Annihilation on Large Molecules" Phys. Rev. A, 61 (2000), 022719

K. Iwata, G. F. Gribakin, R. G. Greaves, C. Kurz and C. M. Surko

Positron annihilation on atoms and molecules, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 1997 (unpubished).

K. Iwata

"Studies of positron-matter interactions using stored positrons in an electrostatic trap" (Positron Annihilation, ICPA-11. 11th International Conference, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 1997). Materials Science Forum, 255-257, pp. 223-7.

K. Iwata, R. G. Greaves, C. Kurz, S. J. Gilbert, and C. M. Surko

"Positron annihilation with inner-shell electrons in noble gas atoms" Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997), pp. 39-42.

K. Iwata, G. F. Gribakin, R. G. Greaves, and C. M. Surko

"Gamma-ray spectra from positron annihilation on atoms and molecules" Phys. Rev. A 55 (1997), pp. 3586-3604.

K. Iwata, R. G. Greaves, and C. M. Surko

"Temperature dependence of positron annihilation rates in noble gases" Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1997), pp. 2929-32.

C. Kurz, R. G. Greaves, and C. M. Surko

"Positron annihilation in a simulated interstellar medium" Canadian Journal of Physics 74 (1996), pp. 407-10.

"Annihilation in low-energy positron-helium scattering" J. of Phys. B 29 (1996), pp. L465-71.

P. Van Reeth, J. W. Humberston, K. Iwata, R. G. Greaves, and C. M. Surko

"Measurements of positron-annihilation rates on molecules" Phys. Rev. A 51 (1995), pp. 473-87.

K. Iwata, R. G. Greaves, T. J. Murphy, M. D. Tinkle, and C. M. Surko

"Annihilation rates of positrons on aromatic molecules" Hyperfine Interactions 89 (1994), pp. 271-8.

K. Iwata, R. G. Greaves, and C. M. Surko

"Use of traps to study positron annihilation in astrophysically relevant media" Hyperfine Interactions 81 (1993), pp. 239-52.

C. M. Surko, R. G. Greaves, and M. Leventhal

"Annihilation of Positrons on Large Molecules" in Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Adam Hilger Publishing, Bristol, England, 1992), pp. 623-630.

T. J. Murphy and C. M. Surko

"Annihilation gamma-ray spectra from positron-molecule interactions" Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992), pp. 3793-6.

S. Tang, M. D. Tinkle, R. G. Greaves, and C. M. Surko

"Annihilation of positrons in xenon gas" J. of Phys. B, 23 (1990), pp. 727-32.

T. J. Murphy and C. M. Surko

"Annihilation of positrons on organic molecules" Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991), pp. 2954-7.

T. J. Murphy and C. M. Surko

"Bound states of positrons and large molecules" Phys. Rev. Lett., 61 (1988), pp. 1831-4.

C. M. Surko, A. Passner, M. Leventhal, and F. J. Wysocki

Positron Scattering

"High resolution cross section measurements using a trap based positron (electron) beam" 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, L. Hadzievski, B. Marinkovic, N. Simonovic, Eds., AIP Conf. Proc. No. 876 (AIP, New York, 2006), pp. 125-131.

J. P. Marler and C. M. Surko

"Differential cross sections for positron-xenon elastic scattering"Phys. Rev. A 73 (2006) 064702.

J. P. Marler, C. M. Surko, R. P. McEachran, and A. D. Stauffer

"Comparison of positron -impact vibrational excitation cross sections with the Born-dipole model" NIM B 247 (2006) 87-91.

J. P. Marler, G. F. Gribakin and C. M. Surko

"Positron-impact ionization, positronium formation, and electronic excitation cross sections for diatomic molecules" Phys. Rev. A 72 (2005), 062713.

J. P. Marler and C.M. Surko

"Systematic comparison of positron- and electron-impact excitation of the nu(3) vibrational mode of CF4" Phys. Rev. A 72 (2005), 062702.

J. P. Marler and C.M. Surko

New Results for Positron Scattering from Noble Gas Atoms and Diatomic Molecules, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2005 (unpublished).

J. P. Marler

"Ionization and Positronium Formation in Noble Gases" Phys. Rev. A 71 (2005), 022701.

J. P. Marler, J.P. Sullivan and C.M. Surko

"Positron scattering from atoms and molecules using a magnetized beam" Phys. Rev. A 66 (2002), 042708.

J.P. Sullivan, S.J. Gilbert, J.P. Marler, R.G. Greaves, S.J. Buckman and C.M. Surko

"Excitation of Electronic States of Ar, H2 and N2 by Positron Impact" Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001).

J.P. Sullivan, J.P. Marler, S.J. Gilbert, S.J. Buckman and C.M. Surko

"Searches for Resonances in the Scattering of Low-Energy Positrons from Atoms and Molecules"

J.P. Sullivan, S.J. Gilbert, S.J. Buckman and C.M. Surko

"Excitation of Molecular Vibrations by Positron Impact" Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001), pp. 1494-7.

J.P. Sullivan, S. J. Gilbert and C. M. Surko

A New Ultra-Cold Positron Beam and Applications to Low-Energy Positron Scattering and Electron-Positron Plasmas, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2000 (unpublished).

S. J. Gilbert

"Low Energy Positron Scattering from Atoms and Molecules using Positron Accumulation Techniques" J. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 171 (2000), pp. 81-95.

S. J. Gilbert, J. Sullivan, R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

"Positron Scattering from Atoms and Molecules at Low Energies" Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999), pp. 5032-5035.

S. J. Gilbert, R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

Trapping, Cooling and Beam Extraction

"A buffer-gas trap for the NEPOMUC positron beam: optimization studies with electrons," J. Plasma Physics, 89, 935890602 (2023)

A. Deller, C.W. Rogge, S. Desopo, E.V. Stenson, J.R. Danielson, C. Hugenschmidt and C.M. Surko New

"Multi-cell trap development towards the accumulation and confinement of large quantities of positrons," J. Plasma Physics, 89, 935890501 (2023),

M. Singer, J. R. Danielson, S. König, T. Sunn Pedersen, L. Schweikhard, and E. V. Stenson New

"Magnetic field considerations for a multi-cell Penning–Malmberg trap for positrons" J. Plasma Phys. 89, 935890405 (2023)

D.R. Witteman, M. Singer, J.R. Danielson and C.M. Surko New

"Non-neutral plasma manipulation techniques in development of a high-capacity positron trap" Rev. Sci. Instruments 92, 123104 (2021)

M. Singer, S. Koenig, M. R. Stoneking, P. Steinbrunner, J. R. Danielson, L. Schweikhard, T. S. Pedersen

"Energy distribution and adiabatic guiding of a solid-neon-moderated positron beam" J. Phys. B 53, 085701 (2020)

S Ghosh, J R Danielson and C M Surko

"Confinement and manipulation of electron plasmas in a multicell trap" Phys. Plasmas 26, 013513 (2019)

N. C. Hurst, J. R. Danielson, C. J. Baker, and C. M. Surko

"Trap-Based Beam Formation Mechanisms and the Development of an Ultra-High-Energy-Resolution Cryogenic Positron Beam," M. R. Natisin, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2016 (unpublished).

M. R. Natisin

"A cryogenically cooled, ultra-high-energy-resolution, trap-based positron beam" Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 024102 (2016)

M. R. Natisin, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Formation mechanisms and optimization of trap-based positron beams" Phys. Plasmas 23, 023505 (2016)

M. R. Natisin, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Magnetic Field Extraction of Trap-based Electron Beams Using a High Permeability Grid" Phys. Plasmas 22, 073503 (2015)

N. C. Hurst, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Formation of Buffer-Gas-Trap Based Positron Beams" Phys. Plasmas 22, 033501 (2015)

M. R. Natisin, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Positron Cooling by Vibrational and Rotational Excitation of Molecular Gases" J. Phys. B 47, 225209 (2014)

M. R. Natisin, J. R. Danielson, and C. M Surko

"Recent Progress in Tailoring Trap-based Positron Beams" (AIP Conf. Proc. 1521, AIP Press, Melville NY, 2013), p6104p. 154-164

M. R. Natisin, N. C. Hurst, J. R. Danielson and C. M. Surko

"Electrostatic Beams from a 5 Tesla Penning-Malmberg Trap" Rev. Sci. Instrum., 82, 016104 (2011)

T. R. Weber, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

Tailored Charged Particle Beams from Single-Component Plasmas, Ph.D. thesis University of California, San Diego, 2010 (unpublished).

T. R. Weber

"Electrostatic Beams from a tailored plasma in a Penning-Malmberg Trap"
Phys. Plasmas 17, 123507 (2010)

T. R. Weber, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Energy spectra of tailored particle beams from trapped single-component plasmas"
Physics of Plasmas 16, 057105 (2009)

T. R. Weber, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Next Generation Trap for Positron Storage" Non-Neutral Plasma Physics VII, J.R. Danielson and T.S. Pedersen Eds., AIP Conf. Proc. No. 1114 (New York, 2009), pp. 199-206.

J. R. Danielson, T. R. Weber, and C. M. Surko

"Tailored Particle Beams from Single-Component Plasmas" Non-Neutral Plasma Physics VII, J.R. Danielson and T.S. Pedersen Eds., AIP Conf. Proc. No. 1114 (New York, 2009), pp. 171-178.

T. R. Weber, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Creation of finely focused particle beams from single-component plasmas" Physics of Plasmas 15, 012106 (2008)

T. R. Weber, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

"Extraction of Small-Diameter Beams from Single-Component Plasmas" Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007), 081503

J. R. Danielson, T. R. Weber and C. M. Surko

"Plasma manipulation techniques for positron storage in a multicell trap" Physics of Plasmas 13 (2006), 123502

J. R. Danielson, T. R. Weber, and C. M. Surko

"Charged particle motion in spatially varying electric and magnetic fields" Nuc. Inst. and Meth. B, 247 (2006), p.147-154

J.A. Young and C.M. Surko

"A Cryogenic, High-field Trap for Large Positron Plasmas and Cold Beams" Non-Neutral Plasma Physics V, M. Schauer, T. Mitchell, R. Nebel Eds., AIP Conf. Proc. No. 692 (AIP, New York, 2003), pp. 149-161.

J.R. Danielson, P. Schmidt, J.P. Sullivan, et al

"A Multicell Trap to Confine Large Numbers of Positrons" Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68, (2003), pp. 419-25.

C. M. Surko and R. G. Greaves

"Trap-based positron beams"
Applied Surface Science 194, (2002), pp. 56-60.

R. G. Greaves, S. J. Gilbert, and C. M. Surko

"Practical Limits on Positron Accumulation and the Creation of Electron-Positron Plasmas" Nonneutral Plasma Physics IV F. Anderegg, L.Scweikhard, C.F. Driscoll, eds., (AIP Conf. Proc. #606, AIP Press, Melville NY, 2002), pp. 10-23.

R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

"Positron Trapping and the Creation of High-Quality Trap-Based Positron Beams" Nuc. Inst. and Meth. B 192(2002), pp.90-96

R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

"Radial Compression and Inward Transport of Positron Plasmas Using a Rotating Electric Field" Phys. Plasmas 8(2001), pp.1879-85

R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

"Inward Transport and Compression of a Positron Plasma by a Rotating Electric Field" Phys. Rev. Lett 85(2000), pp.1883-6

C. M. Surko, S. J. Gilbert, and R. G. Greaves

" Progress in Creating Low-energy Positron Plasmas and Beams" Non-neutral Plasma Physics IIIJ. Bollinger, R. Spencer, and R. Davidson, eds. (American Institute of Physics, 1999), pp. 3-12 (1999), pp. 188-94.

R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

"New source of ultra-cold positron and electron beams" Nuc. Inst. and Meth. B 143 (1998), pp. 188-94.

C. Kurz, S. J. Gilbert, R. G. Greaves, and C. M. Surko

"Creation of a monoenergetic pulsed positron beam" Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 1944 (1997)

S. J. Gilbert, C. Kurz, R. G. Greaves, and C. M. Surko

"Solid neon moderator for positron trapping experiments" Canadian Journal of Physics 74 (1996), pp. 445-8.

R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

"Physics with trapped positron gases and plasmas" Elementary processes in dense plasmas, edited by S. Ichimaru and S. Ogata (Addison-Wesley, New York, 1995), pp. 463-76.

C. M. Surko and R. G. Greaves

"Positron trapping in an electrostatic well by inelastic collisions with nitrogen molecules" Phys. Rev. A 46 (1992), pp. 5696-705.

T. J. Murphy and C. M. Surko

"Physics in a Positron Trap" in Positron Annihilation, L. Dorikens-Vanpraet and D. Segers, Eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989), pp. 161-170

C. M. Surko, A. Passner, M. Leventhal and F. J. Wysocki

"A Positron Plasma in the Laboratory" Proc. of the ONR Conf. on Single Component Plasmas, AIP Conf. Proc. 175 (1988)

C. M. Surko, M. Leventhal, A. Passner and F. J. Wysocki

"Accumulation and Storage of Low Energy Positrons" Hyperfine Interactions 44 (1988), pp. 185.

F. J. Wysocki, M. Leventhal, A. Passner and C. M. Surko

"The Positron Trap - A New Tool for Plasma Physics" Positron Studies of Solids, Surfaces and Atoms, A Symposium to Celebrate Stephan Berko's 60th Birthday K. F. Canter, W. S. Crane and A. J. Mills, Jr., Eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 221., 1986)

C. M. Surko, M. Leventhal, W. S. Crane and A. J. Mills, Jr.

Plasma Physics Non-Neutral Plasmas

"Inviscid damping of an elliptical vortex subject to an external strain flow", Phys. Plasmas 29, 052107 (2022).

P. Wongwaitayakornkul, J. R. Danielson, N. C. Hurst, D. H. E. Dubin, and C. M. Surko New

"Adiabatic behavior of an elliptical vortex in a time-dependent external strain flow", Phys. Rev. Fluids, 6, 054703 (2021).

N. C. Hurst, J. R. Danielson, D. H. E. Dubin, and C. M. Surko New

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C. M. Surko and T. J. Murphy

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C. M. Surko and T. Murphy

C. M. Surko, M. Leventhal, and A. Passner "Positron plasma in the laboratory"

C. M. Surko, M. Leventhal, and A. Passner

Electron-positron Plasmas

"A buffer-gas trap for the NEPOMUC positron beam: optimization studies with electrons,”J. Plasma Physics, 89, 935890602 (2023 ,

A. Deller, C.W. Rogge, S. Desopo, E.V. Stenson, J.R. Danielson, C. Hugenschmidt and C.M. Surko New

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A. Deller, C.W. Rogge, S. Desopo, E.V. Stenson, J.R. Danielson, C. Hugenschmidt and C.M. Surko New

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J. Horn-Stanja, S. Nißl, U. Hergenhahn, T. Sunn Pedersen, H. Saitoh, E. V. Stenson, M. Dickmann, C. Hugenschmidt, M. Singer, M. R. Stoneking and J. R. Danielson

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U. Hergenhahn, J. H. Stanja, T. S. Pedersen, H. Saitoh, E. V. Stenseon, M. R. Stoneking, M. Dickmann, C. Hugenschmidt, M. Singer, J. R. Danielson, and C. M. Surko

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"Plans for the creation and studies of electron-positron plasmas in a stellarator" New Journal of Physics 14, 2012

T Sunn Pedersen, J R Danielson, C Hugenschmidt, G Marx, X Sarasola, F Schauer, L Schweikhard, C. M. Surko, and E Winkler

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R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

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S. J. Gilbert, D.H.E Dubin, R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

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R. G. Greaves and C. M. Surko

Surko Group: UC San Diego - Department of Physics